Social Giving

About Social Giving
Like, Share, Support
Fetching Tails works with some of the Internet's most popular websites and social networks to make giving easy. With a few clicks and a few shares you can help us raise awareness, and give rescue pups the helping paw they need.
Remember, every effort counts. Whether you recruit 10 friends, get 1,000 likes, or raise $10,000 - it all makes a difference. With just a little bit of effort you can help us fund new programs, save more lives, and help more families in our adoption community.
Get your friends involved with Fetching Tails by launching an easy-to-manage Facebook fundraiser. In just a few minutes, you can put together impactful research that supports animal welfare and introduces our mission to new communities. Facebook takes care of all the hard stuff (like processing donations), all you have to do is create a personalized page, set some goals, and start fundraising!
How it Works
Click the button on this page, or click "fundraise" on the left menu of your news feed.
Click "raise money for a nonprofit."
Search for and select the Fetching Tails Foundation.
Fill out the info, personalize the details, and click "create."
Fundraise on Facebook
Share Our Mission
Taking care of rescue dogs requires a lot of work - and a lot of stuff! There are cleaning supplies, food, training equipment, leashes, and of course - toys.
If you'd like to help us manage the day-to-day needs of the animals in our program, buying items off our Amazon Wishlist is a great way to provide support. This carefully curated list is always current, and our furry pals appreciate every goodie you send their way.
Pro Tip: Make your gift-giving go further by signing in to smile.amazon.com before purchasing a Wishlist item.
Fetching Tails' shipping and mailing address:
Fetching Tails Foundation
attn: Wishlist
PO BOX 463
Itasca, IL 60143
Amazon Wishlist
Make a Wish Come True
Support Us
Be Part of Our Work
Make an impact in the life of a rescue dog. With your help, we can save lives, enrich homes, and build communities defined by care, friendship, and compassion.