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Fetching News

Who's Saving Who

As we continue to share success stories, one of our most dedicated volunteers sent us his, and we can't help but pass it along. Check out his great personal story!

"I had gastric bypass on September 24th, 2019. When I went in, I weighed 322, suffered from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and sleep apnea. I took nine pills daily and a weekly injection just to keep me going. In addition, I was suffering from arthritis in my right hip. Between the weight, arthritis, and comorbidities my quality of life was terrible. Well, almost a year later and I am down 120 pounds to 202 (and still losing) and I am loving life. I am off all of my medications but will need to take vitamins and supplements for the rest of my life (that is a welcomed trade-off).

With weight-loss I found myself getting out and doing the things I had been missing out on. One of the best things I did was to start volunteering at Fetching Tails Foundation, a no-kill dog rescue near my house. I believe I truly found something I love doing and continued to realize some of the things I had been missing out on. Being more active brought my arthritis to the forefront and it could no longer be ignored. The pain had become unbearable and it was wearing me out. With that being said, I had total hip replacement surgery on September 8th, 2020, and I felt a difference immediately. I am now 8 weeks post-op and I feel better and better each day. I was able to return to work within 3 weeks (office job) and also start volunteering again. Of course, I started slow and only did short walks or hung out with the dogs. I continued with physical therapy and I have been able to build strength and flexibility to match my other leg. Now, at 8 weeks I do not have any restrictions, I can walk the dogs as long as I like and play with them. All without any pain!! The dogs really helped me recover as I needed them as much as they needed me." Chris H.

Thank you to Chris who joined us last winter and is heavily involved in our intake facility, transportation for shelter dogs and dogs needing to get to the vet appointments, runs our membership donation team, and has even fostered two dogs! If anyone needs help, Chris is there!

A reminder to inspire yourself daily and take care of your mental health.

If you enjoyed Chris' story, you might just find some inspiration in these SPECIFIC VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES:

  • Dog Services: We're always looking for dog groomers, canine swimming classes, positive reinforcement trainers, and daycare facilities to work with.

  • Graphic Design, Marketing and Administrative Duties: Help us design our marketing materials! Materials range anywhere from brochures to signs and even apparel. Or, if you have a background in marketing, we're always looking for help promoting FTF in its own unique way. This includes advertising our rescues day to day stories and adventures through newsletters, social media, or data!

  • Animal Transportation: We always need help getting dogs to vet appointments, and to and from their foster home! Giving a dog a lift is an easy, but important way to help!

  • Fostering: If you are interested in fostering, please head to the foster tab to learn more. By fostering, you are opening your home to a homeless dog, and becoming a lifesaving hero! You can find more information on fostering here.

See something that calls to you? Reach out! We'd love to chat.

Sincerely, Kristen Gottschalk Co-Founder | Fetching Tails Foundation

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