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Check Out Our Hidden Gems in Honor of Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Week!

I can still hear the sleigh bells off in the distance, slowly getting louder. The Island of Misfit Toys just got real quiet, after they all agreed that Santa wouldn’t be visiting them again this year, and that giant tear just fell down the face of the lonely rag doll, who is huddled around the campfire with a train with square wheels, a water pistol that squirts jelly, and a polka dot elephant. It was probably the saddest thing I ever felt, up to that point in my young life. Watching it, I knew children would love them if they only had a chance because I would have loved any one of them with all my heart.

Which reminds me, did you know it is Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Week, which was created by Petfinder in 2009 to raise awareness for dogs who tend to get overlooked? At FTF, we are always trying to find homes for our “misfits,” but the truth is, they aren’t misfits at all. They are hidden gems who need a loving family that looks past things like age, breed, or physical condition, and who recognize that some of these special qualities actually make these dogs a perfect fit for their family.

(From left top to right bottom: Princess Peach, Betty Ann, Momma Shultz, Bikini, Lovely Rita, and Muffin Cakes)

How would you like to be looked over because you have diabetes? Maybe our own Lovely Rita or Muffin Cakes, who both live with this disease, would fit perfectly with a family that knows exactly how it feels to need medicine to stay healthy. Because they know it doesn’t change anything that really matters about a person, or an animal, once you look into those soulful eyes.

What if you were the happiest, most loving, potty, and crate trained bundle of unimaginable joy, but you happen to come in an extra-large package? Bikini weighs in at about 100 pounds, but that’s just more dog to love. Or if you are Betty Ann, Momma Schulz, or Princess Peach, you just never got over being shy. Do you remember being shy? It’s no worse than being an elf who wants to be a dentist or a reindeer with a red nose! All of our dogs are so lovable, but some have been waiting a little too long. People sometimes forget to look beyond the surface, to see what lies beneath their unfounded expectations of what qualities make the perfect pet. Please check out the bios of these beautiful dogs on our website and consider making your house a forever home for any one of them.

Written by: Deanna B.



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