Fetching Tails often provides snapshots of the adoptable dogs we rescue, but you may wonder what their day-to-day lives in foster care are like. So here’s the inside scoop on Dorothy, a dedicated cuddler who loves humans of all ages and is dreaming of her forever home for the holidays.

MORNING: I get to sleep in my foster mom’s bed, which is so warm and cozy that I keep snoozing until the second alarm sounds before slowly crawling out from under the covers. After a good shake to clear away the cobwebs, I jump off the bed, run to the back door to go outside to do my business, and dash back in for breakfast. I still remember those days spent on the streets of Chicago before being rescued by Fetching Tails. Finding something to eat was always iffy, so I really appreciate starting the day off with a full bowl of yummy kibble! After another potty break, I play outside in our fenced yard for 30 minutes or so, running around and chewing on my Kong and other durable toys. Then it’s time to start my day job as neighborhood monitor. I take up my position on the ledge of the living room window and watch the comings and goings of my friends (BTW, every person, big or small, is my friend). What a great job, and I have to tell you, it never gets old. When the outside activity slows, I squeeze in a nap, sometimes in my crate, sometimes not (my foster mom knows I am completely trustworthy in the house). Before you know it, it’s time for lunch, which I like to eat al fresco whenever possible.

AFTERNOON: A play break in the backyard is definitely in order after a morning of hard work. Then it’s back to my perch in front of the picture window, where I make sure the little ones and grown-ups get home safely from school, work, or errands. When my foster mom returns from the office, she takes me on a long walk, avoiding other pooches (since I’m dog-reactive) but introducing me to any humans we pass. My leash manners have improved a lot, thanks to her patience and daily training.

EVENING: The end of the work day means starting my night job: supervising dinner preparation. I’m a big help in that department and happily accept every tidbit handed to me. According to my foster mom, I gobble up those morsels too fast to really taste anything. And yet I do (sort of) and wag my tail to let her know I think she’s the greatest cook in the world. After we eat and our dishes are done and put away, it’s time for snuggling in front of the TV—my very favorite activity. I squeeze in as close as possible for hugs and pets—heaven! A potty break before bed, then it’s lights out. Now that it’s colder, I may wear my PJs to keep me extra toasty. (I should mention that I’ll happily wear any clothing or costume and was a big hit as the Little Mermaid this past Halloween!)

WEEKEND FUN: Since my foster mom and I both work during the week, we use some of our weekend time doing chores and running errands. Even these tasks are fun because we do them together, and we always include lots of playtime in the yard. Occasionally, we go on pack walks with other FTF foster dogs. I like to be the leader and show the others where all the good sniffing spots are.

So, that’s a peek into my daily routine. But I’m an adaptable pooch and am certain I could fit into your life. I’m just waiting for that special person or family to give me a second chance. Can it be you? My paws are crossed.
If you think you’d like to share your life and love with Dorothy, please check her out on our adoptables page to learn more about her ideal forever home and to fill out an application: www.fetchingtailsfoundation.org/adoptables/dorothy
Written By: Michele G.