*5 Years Old - 55 Pounds
*Loving, Gentle, Sweet, Snuggly, Happy
*Medium/High Energy (but calm in the house)
*Loves Everyone (kids over 10 because she can be over-exuberant and knock little ones over)
*Dog Friendly
*Crate Trained
*Somewhat Incontinent Because of Nerve Damage
*Fenced Yard Required
Hi everyone, I'm Divina. You may recognize my face, as I've been on the FTF website for quite some time. Perhaps you've even skipped over my bio as soon as you read that I'm a special needs lady, thinking you want a "perfect" dog. But I'm hoping you'll give me a second look and realize I actually may be the perfect dog for you!
First, a little background. I was brought to an overcrowded Texas shelter after being hit by a car. My pelvis and hip were severely fractured, and nerve damage to my sacrum required removal of my tail and left me (at the time) totally incontinent. I was also pregnant, and all of my pups were subsequently stillborn. Just when my life was at its lowest ebb, FTF stepped in, transporting me to the Chicago area and placing me in a wonderful foster home. My foster mom has devoted herself to my care, and I've made so much progress! I now can sense when I need to go out and will let you know, so I rarely have accidents and no longer have to be crated. Yes, sometimes I leak and still need assistance doing my business, but that's getting better and better.
Moving on to the good stuff. My foster mom calls me "Divine Divina" because I'm so incredibly sweet and loving and a very good dog. Snuggling and schmoozing with my humans is the highlight of my life. In my opinion, there's no such thing as giving too many kisses or receiving too many pets and belly rubs. I also adore cuddling with my foster canine siblings and chewing on horns and antlers. I'm always ready to go for a walk, where I'm on the lookout for squirrels and bunnies and get to greet old friends (human and canine) and make new ones. You'll notice when I'm walking, I sometimes don't put any weight on my left hind leg, which was the most severely broken. But don't worry-I manage just fine on 3 legs.
A few last things to mention. I'm allowed to run a little in my fenced backyard but can't overdo it because of the risk of reinjury. Also my digestive system is sensitive, but I do fine when my diet is restricted to beef or chicken. Finally, I bark and sometimes cry loudly when left alone. No matter how much my foster mom reassures me she'll be back, in my heart I fear she's gone for good. So I definitely would do best in a single-family home, with no shared walls of a condo or apartment.
If you're still reading my bio, then you're one of those kind people who understand that dogs like me who aren't "perfect" still have so much to offer. Thank you for taking a closer look, and I hope your next step will be to complete an adoption application and come and meet me. I know we're going to fall in love the moment our eyes meet.
Love and licks,
If you'd like to adopt this dog, please get started by filling out a complete application (incomplete submissions cannot be sent.) Please note that while we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care as possible, our bios are written from current observations. Though we do our best to share as much information as possible about each dog we care for, we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history, and information pertaining to breed and age are often educated guesses.

Adoption Fees
When you adopt a dog, you're not buying a pet. Your donation isn't a fee for your adoptee - it's a gift that helps us pursue our mission, save lives, and ensure we can provide care to all the dogs in our program.
Senior dog. 8 years and up / $125
Adult or Young Dog. 6 months to 7 years / $375
Puppies. Under 6 months / $450
Adoption Requirements
Lives in 50 mile radius of Itasca within the Illinois border
Be at least 21 years of age
Have the knowledge and agreement of all adults living in the household
Have approval from owner of the residence (written in lease)
Have a valid ID with current address
Be approved as a suitable adoptive home by Fetching Tails Foundation
Be prepared to make a lifetime commitment